Post-Docs (view full list and timeline on our website) |
NIH F32 NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship
NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence (1-2 years of postdoc + 3 years of faculty funding)
NIH Parent K99/R00: Transition to faculty (1-2 years of postdoc + 3 years of faculty funding). International applicants eligible. 3rd - 4th year postdocs. New: February 12, June 12, October 12. Renewal/Resubmission: November 12, March 12, July 12
NIH K99/R00 MOSAIC: Transition to faculty. 2nd - 4th year postdocs under-represented in sciences. New: February 12, June 12, October 12 Renewal/Resubmission: November 12, March 12, July 12
NIH K01 Career Development Award
NIH/NINDS K01: 2nd - 4th year postdocs. New: February 12, June 12, October 12. Renewal/Resubmission: November 12, March 12, July 12
NIH Parent K01: 2nd - 5+ year postdocs. New: February 12, June 12, October 12; Renewal/Resubmission: November 12, March 12, July 12
- NSF Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (SPRF): U.S. Citizen/Permanent resident; must be conducting postdoctoral research in social, behavioral and economic sciences and/or proposing activities that broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in these fields. November 1
- NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB): U.S. Citizen/Permanent resident; obtained doctoral degree within 36 months of the application deadline; must be conducting postdoctoral research with one of the following focuses: (1) Broadening Participation of Groups Underrepresented in Biology, (2) Integrative Research Investigating the Rules of Life Governing Interactions Between Genomes, Environment and Phenotypes, and (3) Plant Genome Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. November 3
- HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program: must be from a gender, racial, ethnic, or other group under-represented in the life sciences (including all women, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds); international applicants must have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree from a U.S. research institution; can have no more than 27 months of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the application due date. December 1
- Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship: Open to all U.S. citizens/nationals/permanent residents; individuals granted deferred action status under DACA (whether current or lapsed); Indigenous individuals exercising rights associated with the Jay Treaty of 1794; individuals granted Temporary Protected Status; asylees; and refugees; must have completed all requirements for PhD at some time on/after December 8, 2015. December 8
- Leon Levy Scholarships in Neuroscience: Must be a post-doc with no more than 3 years of cumulative postdoctoral experience; must be conducting neuroscience research at a New York City institution. Eligible if: U.S. Citizen/Permanent resident; OR J-1 or H-1B Visa; OR DACA; OR Indigenous individual exercising Jay Treaty rights; OR granted temporary protected status. Conditional visas considered. December 9
- NIH Diversity Supplement: Salary/stipend support. For all career stages. Deadline varies by funding agency. (Quarterly, monthly, rolling)
*Check with us regarding eligibility window extensions for NIH grants |
Graduate Students (view full list and timeline on our website) |
- Hertz Foundation Fellowship: U.S. citizens/permanent residents; first year grad students. October 28
- The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans: applicants must be a "New American" (your birth parents must have both been born outside of the US as non-US citizens, and both parents must not have been eligible for US citizenship at the time of their births); first or second-year grad students only. October 27
- Department of Defense NDSEG: U.S. citizens/nationals; must have 3+ years of PhD left. October 31
- HHMI Gilliam Fellowship: Second or third year, or 2+ years left of Ph.D. Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident, or DACA recipient. Must be under-represented in the sciences (race, ethnicity, disability, HHMI EXROP alumni). **By university nomination only** Nominators likely notified: Early-Mid Aug; Internal application likely due: Early-Mid September
- AAUW International Fellowship: must identify as a woman; must not be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident, and should intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. November 15
- NIH F31 or F31 Diversity NRSA: For U.S. citizens/permanent residents. December 8, April 8, August 8
- Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship: Open to all U.S. citizens/nationals/permanent residents; individuals granted deferred action status under DACA (whether current or lapsed); Indigenous individuals exercising rights associated with the Jay Treaty of 1794; individuals granted Temporary Protected Status; asylees; and refugees; must complete the dissertation within 9-12 months in 2023-2024, and no later than Fall 2024. December 8
- NIH F99/K00 D-SPAN: Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience; must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident; for grad students from an under-represented backgrounds, with 1.5-2 years left of PhD (typically 3rd or 4th year students). December 15
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship: Open to all U.S. citizens/nationals/permanent residents; individuals granted deferred action status under DACA (whether current or lapsed); Indigenous individuals exercising rights associated with the Jay Treaty of 1794; individuals granted Temporary Protected Status; asylees; and refugees; as of Fall 2023, must have 3+ years left in the program. December 15
- NIH Diversity Supplement: Salary/stipend support. For all career stages. Deadline varies by funding agency. (Quarterly, monthly, rolling)