F31 Basics

  • Typically, students apply for the F31 NRSA in the 3rd or 4th year of their Ph.D. (even if you are funded by an NSF GRFP)
  • You are eligible to apply once you identify a dissertation research project and sponsor(s) (your PI)
  • You are eligible through your 5th year
  • You can request 2 - 3 years of funding
  • Funding covers your stipend, and tuition & fees
F31 - Choosing your track graphic: Shows a decision tree for applying through the Parent F31 or the F31-Diversity track. If the applicant identifies as a student from a background under-represented in the health sciences using NIH's criteria, they qualify for the F31-Diversity track.

Full description of groups under-represented in the health-related / biomedical sciences: Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity (NOT-OD-20-031)

Parent F31 funding announcement: PA-23-272

F31-Diversity funding announcement: PA-23-271

Planning your writing

Writing timeline starting at 8 weeks before the deadline, with writing and preliminary data collection suggestions, as well as check-in points on the way to the deadline. These items are also mentioned in the text below.

1. Grant Kickoff Meeting
You will receive a dropbox with:

  • Proposal checklist
  • Funded sample applications
  • Template files
  • Instructions for sending reference letter requests
  • Review criteria and how to address them

2. Proposal editing

3. Summary Statement Review + Strategy Meeting